Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition characterized by the persistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Various factors can contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction, which may be both physical and psychological. Chronic medical conditions, certain medications, anxiety, depression, and the adoption of unhealthy habits can all contribute to the manifestation of the condition. However, a fundamental cause for the occurrence of erectile dysfunction is hormonal imbalances, including low testosterone levels. Testosterone plays a crucial role in maintaining sexual desire, promoting healthy blood flow to the penis, and facilitating the normal processes necessary for achieving and maintaining an erection. Low testosterone levels can lead to reduced libido, impaired vascular function, and integrity of penile tissue, which can collectively contribute to the onset of erectile dysfunction. It is important to note, however, that while testosterone plays a significant role in sexual function, erectile dysfunction can occur regardless of low testosterone levels or may not occur at all, even in individuals with low testosterone levels.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction with TRT

In case it is determined that the cause behind erectile dysfunction is low testosterone levels, Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can be applied. The treatment is carried out by administering pharmaceutical testosterone either in the form of injections, or a special cream or gel, depending on individual needs and preferences. The goal of TRT treatment is to restore testosterone levels to a normal level. This treatment works beneficially in improving erectile function in people with erectile dysfunction caused by low testosterone levels. It can help increase arousal, improve blood flow to the penis and support the integrity of penile tissue. However, it is important to note that testosterone replacement therapy may not be effective in cases where erectile dysfunction is caused by factors other than low levels of this hormone, such as psychological factors or vascular problems. In these cases, other treatment options can be considered.

Complementary Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction with TRT

Additional treatment options for erectile dysfunction include lifestyle modifications, the administration of either oral medication (such as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors) or intracavernosal injections, shockwave therapy, or psychotherapy. Lifestyle modifications involve regular physical exercise, a balanced diet, weight management, smoking and alcohol consumption cessation. As for pharmacological treatment, it can be administered orally or intracavernosally through injections. Oral medications and intracavernosal injections work by relaxing the muscles in the penis, allowing increased blood flow and facilitating the man’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection. If erectile dysfunction is attributed to vascular causes, shockwave therapy is a viable option. During the treatment, shockwaves are directed to different points of the overall area of the penis to enhance blood circulation. The procedure is completely painless and non-invasive. In cases where patients have severe erectile dysfunction that does not respond to other treatment options, the definitive solution is the surgical placement of a penile prosthesis.

Appointment & Procedure

Visiting the center and specialized doctors is the first step in dealing with the problem. It is important to visit specialized centers with experienced nursing and medical staff who will make you feel comfortable and help you discuss the problem you are facing without hesitation. The decision to deal with the problem is the first and decisive step, while sticking to your treatment plan is equally important, as well as the relationship of trust that you will build with the doctor, with whom you should discuss every detail that worries you. During your initial visit, you will be taken care of by the nursing staff, who will take a complete medical history and give you an initial briefing before taking you to the specialized doctor. Our center's experienced and highly trained nursing staff are also responsible for blood draws as well as scheduling your doctor's appointments. You will then be taken to our andrologist, with whom two appointments are usually made. In the first one an an initial evaluation is done and in the second one the selection of the treatment protocol and the administration of the treatment indicated for your specific case are performed. Between the two appointments, the necessary tests will be carried out in order for the doctor to evaluate them in conjunction with the clinical presentation of your problem and the issues you are dealing with. In our center, the medical follow-up scheme also includes the valuable help of the general practitioner, who is responsible for monitoring the examinations and the course your treatment protocol, as well as the person responsible for giving the order for your three-monthly medication prescription, if required based on your condition and treatment plan. Generally, the plans followed are usually 6-monthly and have the following basic structure regarding the medical visits that will be required:

  • 1st visit to an andrologist and blood test
  • 1 week later - visit to the andrologist
  • 11 days after - blood draw
  • Within the 1st month - visit to the general practitioner
  • 7 weeks later - blood draw
  • 2 months later - visit to the general practitioner
  • Blood draw
  • 3 months later – visit to the andrologist
  • Blood draw
  • Within the 4th month - visit to the general practitioner
  • Blood draw
  • Within the 5th month - visit to the general practitioner
  • Blood draw
  • Within the 6th month - visit to the andrologist
Appointment & Procedure

Visiting the center and specialized doctors is the first step in dealing with the problem. It is important to visit specialized centers with experienced nursing and medical staff who will make you feel comfortable and help you discuss the problem you are facing without hesitation. The decision to deal with the problem is the first and decisive step, while sticking to your treatment plan is equally important, as well as the relationship of trust that you will build with the doctor, with whom you should discuss every detail that worries you. During your initial visit, you will be taken care of by the nursing staff, who will take a complete medical history and give you an initial briefing before taking you to the specialized doctor. Our center's experienced and highly trained nursing staff are also responsible for blood draws as well as scheduling your doctor's appointments. You will then be taken to our andrologist, with whom two appointments are usually made. In the first one an an initial evaluation is done and in the second one the selection of the treatment protocol and the administration of the treatment indicated for your specific case are performed. Between the two appointments, the necessary tests will be carried out in order for the doctor to evaluate them in conjunction with the clinical presentation of your problem and the issues you are dealing with. In our center, the medical follow-up scheme also includes the valuable help of the general practitioner, who is responsible for monitoring the examinations and the course your treatment protocol, as well as the person responsible for giving the order for your three-monthly medication prescription, if required based on your condition and treatment plan. Generally, the plans followed are usually 6-monthly and have the following basic structure regarding the medical visits that will be required:

  • 1st visit to an andrologist and blood test
  • 1 week later - visit to the andrologist
  • 11 days after - blood draw
  • Within the 1st month - visit to the general practitioner
  • 7 weeks later - blood draw
  • 2 months later - visit to the general practitioner
  • Blood draw
  • 3 months later – visit to the andrologist
  • Blood draw
  • Within the 4th month - visit to the general practitioner
  • Blood draw
  • Within the 5th month - visit to the general practitioner
  • Blood draw
  • Within the 6th month - visit to the andrologist

We must note that the first visit to our center, like the first visit to any doctor, is extremely important and decisive for the course of treatment you will follow. At the first visit, and essentially the first contact, it is necessary for the patient to start building a relationship of trust with the doctor, a factor necessary for a succesful treatment. It is important for the doctor to make you feel comfortable and ready to share the problems that concern you. He should also answer all your questions and spend the necessary time to understand your issues and requests. During this visit, in addition to the medical history that our nursing staff will have already taken, the doctor will ask more specific questions and ask for details about your condition, any medications you may be already taking, the symptoms you present, while he will proceed with a thorough clinical examination. He will also explain what other imaging and blood tests you should go through and why. It is important to always tell the truth to your doctor and not to withhold information from him, as even the smallest detail can be crucial to the diagnosis of your condition. At the end of the visit, you should leave having asked everything you want and without having questions and question marks.

We must note that the first visit to our center, like the first visit to any doctor, is extremely important and decisive for the course of treatment you will follow. At the first visit, and essentially the first contact, it is necessary for the patient to start building a relationship of trust with the doctor, a factor necessary for a succesful treatment. It is important for the doctor to make you feel comfortable and ready to share the problems that concern you. He should also answer all your questions and spend the necessary time to understand your issues and requests. During this visit, in addition to the medical history that our nursing staffwill have already taken, the doctor will ask more specific questions and ask for details about your condition, any medications you may be already taking, the symptoms you present, while he will proceed with a thorough clinical examination. He will also explain what other imaging and blood tests you should go through and why. It is important to always tell the truth to your doctor and not to withhold information from him, as even the smallest detail can be crucial to the diagnosis of your condition. At the end of the visit, you should leave having asked everything you want and without having questions and question marks.